The Journey

This a book of meditations, in the style of the universal wisdom traditions that reflect on the universal moral order and introduce the reader to the belief system of the order.It has been written for those who have sensed that behind the hustle and bustle of life, there is a deep, ancient and abiding order of things, that calls them to a greater purpose and meaning of their life. Drawing on the mystery of the immanent presence of God in the creation and written in the style of the great wisdom traditions, this book is written from the perspective of a master to a disciple, who seeks to guide his charge in the journey of life.
Using the age-old concept of life being a journey, through the medium of proverb and wise sayings, it instills the necessary wisdom to travel well on that journey.
The work is divided into ten books of observations, wise sayings and proverbs which reflect on the nature of God, reality and the human soul and its relationship to them. Many points are reiterated for emphasis of importance from different perspectives to bring balance in the overall understanding of the vision of the book. Following the lessons, there are confessions which draw from the belief system of the lessons and amplify their message to bring mind renewal. The overall purpose of this book is to help those that read it to come into a deeper level of awareness of the core of who God created them to be.
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